Fighting Siblings

Lately my younger boys ages 3 1/2 years and 18 months old have been fighting all day, every day. My youngest E.J., has become very aggressive. There have been a lot of shoving, biting, and throwing of toys. I have to be referee all day.

C.J. makes sure I am not looking most of the time when he is bullying his baby brother. C.J. will walk up and push E.J. for no particular reason. I separate the two and I console them one at a time. I tell them that hitting and biting are not okay. When there is biting involved, I offer a chew toy and tell them we only bite our food and chew toys, not people.

When my boys aren’t fighting they are loving and helping each other. Every chance C.J. gets he is giving hugs and kisses to his baby brother. He does it so much E.J. becomes annoyed and that causes E.J. to become aggressive with C.J. Then it turns into a full-fledged fight.

Today I saw E.J. climb onto the couch where his big brother was napping, and rub his hand and face and then woke him up with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Besides all of the fighting, I know they truly love one another and soon hopefully this will be outgrown.

What are some things you do to keep the peace between your kids?
Please share in the comments below!
