Applied Behavioral Analysis (A.B.A.) Therapy is a form of intervention treatment that focuses on behavior therapies which teaches behavior through rewards and consequences. As explained by Autism Support Network, Applied means that interventions are geared towards achieving socially-important goals. Behavioral means that A.B.A. focuses on what people say or do, rather than interpretations or assumptions about behavior. And analytic means that assessments are used to identify relationships between behavior and aspects of the environment. All of this is done before proceeding to intervention.

A.B.A. Therapy is one of the most researched therapies for those on the autistic spectrum. But parents have their concerns with it being suggested that children receive 40 hours of therapy weekly which is costly and those practicing the therapy may not be as qualified as parents would like. A study has found that 48% of all children showed rapid learning, achieved average posttreatment scores, and at age 7, were succeeding in regular education classrooms. (Lovaas, 1987; McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993).

Sources and helpful links:

Autism Support Network“What is ABA Therapy Now, Really?” – http://www.autismsupportnetwork.com/news/what-aba-now-really-autism-33299272

About Health – All About ABA – http://autism.about.com/od/alllaboutaba/a/abaoverview.htm

Pinterest Board – ABA Resources – https://www.pinterest.com/juree9281/aba/