Autism News: Immune System and Autism, Wandering, Autism Training for First Responders and more


Does the Immune System Have a Role in Battling Autism? [ Scientific American ]

New study finds mice may need infection-fighting molecules to socialize

Molecules that protect the body from infection may be needed for mice to socialize with their peers, according to a study published today in Nature. This double duty could help safeguard the health of animals that live in close quarters.

The findings bolster an emerging link between the immune system and conditions such as autism, says lead researcher Jonathan Kipnis, professor of neuroscience at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. “Whether we like it or not, there is a piling up of evidence that the immune system has a major impact on brain function: The brain is not isolated from the rest of the body,” he says.

Service dog or therapy dog: Which is best for a child with autism? [ Autism Speaks ]

Today’s “Got Questions?” response is by dog trainer Janet Cole, dog handler Betty Miller and developmental pediatrician Rolanda Maxim Gott. Ms. Cole is the founder of CHAMP Assistance Dogs, in St. Louis, Missouri. Ms. Miller is nurse coordinator for the dog therapy clinic at the Knights of Columbus Developmental Center of SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital and Saint Louis University School of Medicine. And Dr. Maxim is the developmental center’s medical director. The center, hospital and medical school are part of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network.

Parents of children with Autism say wandering is a huge problem [ 10 11 ]

President of AFN, Cathy Martinez, said “Children with more severe and profound autism tend to wander more. They gather toward bodies of water which leads to a high mortality rate.”

According to the Autism Safety Coalition, a 2015 study found that 27% of children with developmental disabilities are reported to wander from safe settings each year. In 2015, 31 individuals with autism died after wandering away from a safe setting.

Utah Boy with Autism Wins World Title in Taekwondo: ‘I Cannot Wait to See What the Future Holds for Him,’ Says Mom [ People ]

When 11-year-old Ethan Fineshriber became a World Championship in Taekwondo, his friends rushed into the ring and hoisted him up on their shoulders.

It was a sight that brought the Sandy, Utah, boy’s mother to tears – not just because of her son’s athletic accomplishment, but because he had finally found the acceptance that eluded him for years.

14,000 students in Ireland have a diagnosis of autism, new report reveals [ Breaking News Ireland ]

One in every 65 students has a diagnosis of autism according to the recently released National Council for Special Education (NCSE) report.
This equates to approximately 14,000 students, much higher than the one in every 100 previously estimated.
The report is the first major report published by the body on the education of students with autism in almost 14 years.

Responders receive special training for autism encounters [ E-News Courier ]

With the number of autism diagnoses on the rise, it’s not uncommon for everyday folks on the street to come across an autistic person. There’s ways for the average person to learn to interact with autistic persons to make them feel more comfortable, but what are first responders supposed to do in an emergency?

The Autism Society of Alabama and the Alabama Council of Developmental Disabilities sponsored a workshop Thursday for emergency and law enforcement personnel to learn how to better interact with those on the autism spectrum.

Looking for some tips on Wandering and Elopement [ try these ].

Brain illustration