5 Potty Training Tips


Things that would help with difficulties with the recognition of the urge to eliminate:

1.) Timers may help to learn to recognize when they are ready to eliminate.

2.) A transition object (e.g., a preferred toy or book) may be used initially to shape smooth transitioning behavior. The use of the transitional object can also aid in teaching the child to initiate on its own. If the child has become accustomed to taking a certain book or doll to the bathroom when prompted by an adult, they may indicate the need to go by picking up this item on their own.

3.) A photograph of the toilet can also be used as an effective way to communicate the need to eliminate. This can be especially helpful for children with lack in their use of verbal language.

4.) Introduce the bathroom routine gradually, first requiring the child to enter the bathroom clothed, then to sit clothed on the toilet, then in diapers, then unclothed.

5.) Reduce as many outside distractions and obstacles as possible

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