5 Me Time Tips for Moms of Special Needs Children

5 Me Time Tips for Moms of Special Needs Children


All moms need a little me time now and then. For wants with children with special needs its easier said then done. So here are some tips on working some me time into your schedule.

1.) Schedule 10-20 mins in your planner or what ever you use to keep your schedule, for a cup of coffee, look at a magazine, work on a craft.

2.) Subscribe to a beauty box like Ipsy/I love there box here is a link to check it out-Join me on ipsy and subscribe to the Glam Bag! You get 4-5 beauty products every month delivered to your door, for just $10. Michelle Phan curates the bags!

3.) Go ahead, grab it and do nothing. Just pause, breathe deeply, sit quietly. Being still will reconnect you with your instincts.

4.) Check out or subscribe to a new blog or website / some of my favorites are Our Succeeding Through Autism with Resources and Support AND Autism with a Side of Fries

5.) Join a support group with others that are going through the same thing

Try at least one of these and you will be glad you did!
Remember to always take care of yourself and take time for your self!

I would love to know what you do for me time please share!