13 Signs You Should Change Pediatricians!

13 Signs You Should Change Pediatricians!


I am very fortunate and blessed to have such a wonderful pediatrician for my boys. I hear horror stories of how parents a very displeased to say the least with their child’s Doctor.

Some parents may not know how to go about switching, or they feel that their child’s doctor has already built a relationship with their doctor and feels that if the children are okay then I am okay! I am here to tell you that you don’t have to feel that way. If you feel like your children’s needs are not being met you can find some one who will and your children will be okay!

Here are some reasons to change Pediatricians:

1. Your doctor is rude or disrespectful.
2. Your doctor doesn’t listen carefully to your concerns and medical complaints.
3. Not compassionate
4. Your doctor consistently keeps you waiting an unacceptably long time.
5. It takes too long to get an appointment.
6. Your doctor spends more time writing notes in your chart rather than looking straight at you.
7. You feel rushed through your appointment.
8. Your doctor interrupts you when you are talking.
9. Your doctor treats you like a body rather than an individual.
10. It’s too hard to reach the doctor (or a knowledgeable assistant – such as a nurse practitioner) if a proposed treatment doesn’t work or is causing side effects.
11. The office has inadequate arrangements for handling emergencies outside of regular office hours.
12. Your doctor doesn’t admit to mistakes or not knowing something important.
13. Your doctor doesn’t answer your questions or refuses to find answers when he or she doesn’t have them.

3 Comments on “13 Signs You Should Change Pediatricians!

  1. Love this post. I changed my daughters doctor 3 times because they did not take her lung issues seriously and the ER helped more than her doctor did. Finally found THE ONE and we moved a year later thanks to the military..

    • Hi Kayla,
      Thank you! I am glad to hear that you have finally found a doctor for your daughter.I know how hard it is to find a doctor that you mesh well with.

  2. My girl can’t stop crying when she sees the pediatrician,it is the fourth time she does this.only with him.
    she is 10 months old and never had stomach problems.it is just when she sees him that cries that much.
    i do not know what to do